What is Securities Fraud?

David Derigiotis
3 min
June 10, 2024

Management Liability

Understanding Securities Fraud

Securities fraud encompasses a broad spectrum of illegal activities perpetrated in the financial markets. At its core, securities fraud entails deceitful tactics to sway investors into making decisions grounded on inaccurate or deceptive information, resulting in financial detriment. This form of fraud contravenes securities laws put in place to uphold market transparency and equity and safeguard investor interests.

Types of Securities Fraud

Misrepresentation or Omission of Material Facts
Misrepresentation or omission of material facts is the presentation of false information or leaving out crucial details about a security or investment opportunity. It may include falsifying financial statements, inflating revenue figures, or concealing risks associated with an investment.

Insider Trading
Insider trading occurs when individuals with privileged access to non-public information about a company trade its securities for personal gain or to tip off others. This practice undermines market fairness and erodes investor confidence.

Ponzi Schemes and Pyramid Schemes
Ponzi schemes promise high returns to investors by using funds from new investors to pay returns to earlier investors. Pyramid schemes operate similarly, relying on recruitment rather than legitimate business activities. Both schemes collapse when there are not enough new investors to sustain payouts.

Market Manipulation
Market manipulation involves artificially inflating or deflating the price of securities to deceive investors. Tactics may include spreading false rumors, engaging in wash trading (buying and selling securities to create the illusion of high trading activity), or cornering the market (controlling enough of a particular security to manipulate its price).

Churning occurs when a broker excessively trades within a client's account to generate commissions without regard for the client's investment objectives. It often results in unnecessary transaction costs and erodes the value of the client's portfolio.

This scheme is a fraudulent investment strategy where individuals or groups artificially inflate the price of a stock or asset through misleading or false statements. Once the price reaches an artificially high level, the perpetrators sell off their shares, causing the price to plummet. Unsuspecting investors who bought at the inflated price are left with significant losses, while the perpetrators profit from the scheme. 

Highly-Publicized Securities Fraud Cases

In one of the most infamous cases, Enron's executives engaged in accounting fraud by manipulating financial statements to conceal the company's failing financial health. When the truth came to light, Enron filed for bankruptcy at $63.4 billion in assets, marking the largest bankruptcy in history up to that point.

Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme Bernie Madoff orchestrated one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history, defrauding investors of billions of dollars over several decades. He lured investors with promises of consistently high returns, using funds from new investors to pay fake returns to earlier investors. As of the end of 2023, the Department of Justice reports that the Madoff Victim Fund (MVF) has paid over $4.22 billion in compensation to nearly 41,000 victims of the BLMIS collapse.

Martha Stewart's Insider Trading Martha Stewart was convicted of insider trading for selling shares of ImClone Systems after receiving non-public information that the CEO and his daughter were selling their stock. The following morning, ImClone disclosed that the FDA had rejected its license application for the cancer drug Erbitux, causing a 16% plunge in ImClone's stock price.

Consequences of Securities Fraud

The consequences of securities fraud are far-reaching and can have devastating effects on individuals, companies, and the economy as a whole. Some of the repercussions include:

Financial Losses
Investors who fall victim to securities fraud may suffer significant monetary losses, jeopardizing their savings, retirement funds, and financial well-being.

Legal Ramifications
Perpetrators of securities fraud may face civil lawsuits, criminal charges, fines, and imprisonment. Regulatory agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) actively pursue securities fraud cases to uphold market integrity and protect investors.

Erosion of Trust
Securities fraud erodes investor trust and confidence in the financial markets, undermining the foundation of a fair and transparent marketplace. Restoring trust requires regulatory reforms, increased transparency, and enforcement of securities laws.

Mastering Business Hurdles With Assurance & Skill

By understanding the pervasive nature of securities fraud, you can better help your clients stay safe in their investment journeys. Robust regulatory oversight, enforcement actions, and investor education are essential in deterring and combating securities fraud, promoting transparency, and preserving investor confidence.

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David Derigiotis
3 min
June 10, 2024

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