Professional Liability

We understand the unique risks faced by licensed professionals in today's highly specialized and litigious environment.  Professional liability insurance is designed to protect professionals and their businesses from claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in the performance of professional services.

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Solutions for licensed professionals including healthcare providers, lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers and more

Flow Brokers have access to a wide range of professional liability insurance markets, including both standard and specialty carriers, to provide clients with multiple coverage options

Our Brokers handle start up and pre revenue risks to multinational companies

Underwriting Relationships. Flow’s Brokers have strong relationships with underwriting partners, facilitating efficient submission processing and negotiation of favorable terms and pricing

Target Classes


Professional Negligence

Claims alleging that the professional failed to perform services with the level of skill and care expected within their profession, resulting in financial losses or harm to the client.

Errors or Mistakes

Claims arising from errors, mistakes, or oversights made by the professional in the course of providing professional services, which lead to financial losses or damages to the client.


Claims related to the failure of the professional to perform certain actions or provide specific advice that leads to financial losses or harm to the client.

Breach of Duty

Claims alleging that the professional breached their duty of care or fiduciary duty to the client, resulting in financial losses or damages.


Claims arising from false or misleading statements made by the professional in the course of providing professional services, which result in financial losses or harm to the client.


Our Professional liability insurance solutions can be tailored to cover legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments associated with covered claims. This necessary coverage helps protect professionals and their businesses from the financial consequences of lawsuits and claims alleging professional negligence or errors.

People First,

Technology Forward

Your Clients Count on You to Keep them Protected. Count on Us to Make it Easy.

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